
At St Cuthbert’s we encourage creativity and teamwork in all areas. 

Each Key Stage will be given regular homework to be completed outside of school and we encourage parents to take an active role in this. In most cases, homework will consist of reading and writing tasks linked to classroom activities in Numeracy and Literacy.

By supplying this work, we aim to further your child’s sense of achievement and highlight learning in other areas. We also employ comprehension tasks to encourage reading and a love of books.

You are always welcome to come and discuss any aspect of your child’s education with either their class teacher or the Headteacher. Should you have any concerns or ideas as to how we can improve your child’s time at St Cuthbert’s, you can book an appointment to discuss this with the Headteacher.

Please note: Although it can still be downloaded, our prospectus is currently out of date and is being updated.

Thank you for patience,

Lucy Bone, Headteacher.